Just wondering if anyone here knows anything about networks. I’ve been trying to get the network at home working but it’s not
All of the computers are on XP Pro and all have the same workname. When I go to view the workgroup computers, all of them are there but when I try to view the shared files or properties of the other computers, I get an error message saying that the server (computer name) can not be found or the network path wasn’t found…
Hmm … this sounds familiar. On Windows 98SE, it worked for me to just log off and log on again. But I’m not sure about Windows XP.
Make sure there is connection. Do do this, hit Windows Key+R, and enter [COLOR=BLUE]command.com[/COLOR]. Then type in [COLOR=BLUE]ping ipnumber[/COLOR]. For example, ping If the other computer responds, there is a connection.
Try to make a network connection when there is connection (using ping). To do this, Right click the My Computer icon and select Make network connection or something, I have Windows XP in Dutch. In the Station field, you can select what virtual dirve name will be given to the other computer. If you’d select Z: for example, then there will be a disk icon in the My Computer window representing the connected hard disk. At the field below, enter the path to the other computer. This is always \Computername\folder. Be sure that the folder you are connecting to is Shared at the other computer, otherwise it will not be found.
I tried the ping command for both the 2 other computers on the network and the request timed out so obviously that’s a problem. Do I need to fix this so that the other computer pings back before going on to what you mentioned?
yes, if the computers dont complete the ping theres a problem, try checking your wires and your hub, what you could do is go to start, settings, network connections and choose network setup wizard read carefully how you have your network setup, i think you have your modem connected to your hub and the computers connect to the nternet through the hub directly so theres no server so if this is your case select this option if not read the rest and choose the networking option that suits you most, then make sure they all have the same workgroup name and try not to have special characters or small letters, they must be the exactly the same, do this on the rest of the computers and restart should get it working
I did what you suggested grimdeath on my computer but when I went to another one, the network setup wizard was different for some reason. It was asking me to choose the Internet connection whereas on my PC when I ran the network wizard it didn’t say anything about an Internet connection. As far as I know all computers have the same workgroup name. Do you think I should run the network set up wizard on all computers?
Oh and you wouldn’t know how to set up a gateway so all the computers access the net through that computer would you? Because I have heard that is a preferred way to set up your home network than through a hub or router.
Each PC on the network needs a unique IP address. Usuall the address will have the first octet of “192” ie 192.x.x.x With a subnet mask of (Class C IP network) Once each PC has a good IP address, they should all be able to talk to each other. Make sure you are set up to use a workgroup and not a domain (Unless you have a Domain controller set up.) If you have mistakenly setup the PCs to authenticate to a domain, you will get errors, like “A logon server is not available to process your request.” And others. If you are comfortable setting up IP addressing yourself, then it may be best to set up each PC manually.
As for making one PC a “gateway” You would need to set up some sort of proxy server or NAT software on that PC. (I do not use windows XP so I am not sure if the Internet connection sharing wizard has these items or not.) In either case, when you setup the IP addressing you would need to enter the IP address of the gateway PC as the “default gateway” Also you would need to set up the DNS servers that are assigned by your ISP on the PCs. This allows your PC to resolve a DNS name (www.kirupa.com) to an ip host address.
I hope I did not confuse you more with this info, if you need me to clarify I would be happy to.
or you can get another network card make sure its a diffrent brand name and setup a computer thats connected to the cable mdem directly as a server and then run the setup internet connection wizard on the rest of the computers and select the conect to a server option thingy :beam:
I have never had a problem with my ISP telling me I can not use a router. Not to say there aren’t any out there that don’t…
I don’t see why they would have a problem with NAT as long as you are not running a server on a personal account. They could port scan me all day and get the same reply each time… denied =0)