****, I hate XP… everything’s dumbed down… with Wizards and all that crap… I like doing things manually… argh
Anyways… how can I change the name of my computer and the description on the network? The only way that I know how to is by going through that Set up Network wizard… I don’t want to use it because last time I did it got rid of my IP info…
well its not really hard c!ryx you can even change winxp to look and feel like a win98 or 2000 machine, so its just really you have to be a bit curious and just experiment with it, and theres a bunch of websites that show you how to tweak and edit you winxp machine so just do a search on google for winxp tweaks you will find so much info you will be reading for days :beam:
I have a similar problem - got two XP machines networked. This one I’m on can read the other one, but the other one won’t find this machine. No apparent reason.