ok this is my dilemma, im about to flip if this so called wizard confuses me again
ok i have my cable modem connected to a linksys router on the wan port, then from there,(4port roouter) one to my good new computer, one to the old one and the other 2 to the xbox/ps2.
now when i try to set up a small office network, all i really wanna do is share files between both computers and share internet connections.
now from the way i have it setup (according to the wizzard), both computers are directly connected to the internet so its unsafe to share files and folders between the 2.
now i want to make my fastes good compuer the ics host and the other one to feed of off the host.(basically the bad one feeds of off the good one)
how can i make this so???
and does it involve putting my good computer infront of the router, or will it still be protected by the router.???
I don’t understand the last 2 paragraphs, but if you’re trying to share files, just set-up an ftp: and transfer them that way. It shouldn’t be unsafe at all, if you’re behind a firewall and you’re just transfering files over your own ftp, i really don’t see how it’s unsafe.
with a router if you split the connection like you have it, yes technically each computer is directly connected to the internet, so you don’t want to open up those folders unless you password protect the share feature.
What you could do is this:
Take the fastest computer and install a proxy server client on it such as Avirt SoHo(run the SERVER install on the fast computer and the CLIENT install on the older one)
now feed the internet feed from the router into the fast computer…then feed that connection out to the older computer…yes this requires two ethernet cards
you will assign an IP range in this case perhaps for the fast one and for the older one
you will assign the extra ethernet card(the one not connected to router) the IP…this IP will be the older computer’s gateway to the internet and also obviously enough the gateway IP on the older computer
now on the older computer in the network TCP/IP properties you will set it to this
when you go to use the internet on the old computer, it will point to the fast computer and say “hey i need this” the fast computer will route the old one to the correct place… and the older computer will sit behind the faster one and won’t be detectable by normal means
now just name both computers to the same workgroup and their files will show up under network neighborhood.
meanwhile the xbox and ps/2 will be connected directly into the router…and you will now have an extra port on the router…
ok now this ftp right, i have wsftppro, cani use that and if so, how can i connect to my other computer via this method
and pr studio. hopefully i can do this method cause if not i have a feelling that im ganna loose my mind trying your method lol. ill need likea book or something lol