I was watching tv tonight and saw yet another ad for netzero high speed internet As well as I understand it, they offer a ‘normal’ service and a ‘highspeed’ service, where the normal service must just be slowed down from a normal dialup rate, since there are laws and such about how much data can be passed through a regular phone line and at what rates (if I understand correctly). But this time the commercial told me to not’ take just their word for it’ and had a quote from cnet.com: ‘blazingly fast’. Well, I decided to head on over to cnet and see what I could pull up, and yep, just as I suspected:
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I can’t believe people take dialup service seriously; I myself have dialup (not for long though!), but I remember a time when netzero was free and I used it, along with it’s crappy ads placed all over the place… anyway, is it even legal that netzero use a quote from cnet if they are a sponsor?