Anyone still play this game? I’ve been obsessed with it for the last month now. I’m almost done with the 2nd expansion pack. If anyone wants to, we should play online sometime!
I am still playing this awesome game! Try find the Destiny server at the action category. My character name is Tolix.
hey i play NWN and i freaking loved it, i am currently half way through the 2nd expansion and loving it!!! :beam: if i had the internet capabilities to play it over the net i would but yeah, how does it run ok 56k anyone know ??
i have got 2 players ones is a level 19 bard, called zaran and curently have a level 7 rogue called RANDA, she is cool !
oh while i am here i was thinking about making a blackguard, anyone else made a blackguard and if this wasting my time over, peace
Not yet… I’ve got a level 21 Ranger and a level 10 Red Dragon Disciple / level 15 Sorcerer.
i played for a while i never really got the whole concept. but it seemed really cool. i just never really played it again i gave it to my neighbor.
ezekiel it runs with a little lag at 56k but its ok
The expansions make the game a lot better. That storyline of the original was okay, but nothing compared to the 2 expansions.
I got NWN for my birthday two or three years ago, when it was sold at 96 $ (CDN, taxes included)! And I didn’t even play the first chapter completely (the “critter parts” you have to bring back). Playing this game was too slow for me. I prefer old school pen & paper RPG’s. When the dungeon master sees the players are bored, he changes the pace accordingly. You can’t do that with a singleplayer game, or a pre-generated adventure…
By the way,
I’m still looking for that game which was featured on PCGamer, which allows a server host to be a DM, and add stuff on the fly and modify difficulty…It’s a dungeon crawler, but optimised for internet play…And it’s NOT Dungeon Siege or NWN…Anyone know what I’m talking about?
Been playing for 2 years, I’m a DND mastah… lol… I used to play on a server called Reclaimer’s LOTR… best LOTR out there
I had a lvl 40 (which is max) RDD/Sorcerer(best class hehe), a lvl 40 ShadowDancer/Sorcerer and yadayda…
Take it from a pro, Sorcerers RULE
lvl 40 is max?? thats seems kinda low. is it real hard to lvl in that game or something?
The higher up you go, the harder it is to level… the required points increase dramatically…
Besides, when people get bored of their character, or get max lvl and don’t want to own noobs anymore, they just make a new character… then when there are contests or something they switch back to their lvl 40…
I just got the game a few days ago… still playing first chapter… just wacked that little mind sucker… or whatever it was…
looks like i might have to install gamespy again!!!
just a question: On a weapon, what the hell does “1d6 damage” mean??
I have never understood those weird *** rules in DND…