Funny stuff

This is a pretty funny flash movie done at Odly my parents or my brother liked it. Im guessing they are not smart enough to know what this guy is talking about…

Also David I have been meaning to ask you what server you play on and what character combo you would recommend for me. Preferably a wizard.

that was funny…


I asume you’re talking about NWN.

I’ve got a Sorcerer which is working out well. My advice for playing the character is to get up in level fast, get some “feats”, and pick up either “light armor”, or “martial”. At least you’ll be able to use a sword. Keep in mind though that Sorc’s don’t get very many feats, so spend them wisely. (also you’ll want to save some for things like “Empower spell” and “Quicken spell”, both of which are VITAL for a spell caster.) I haven’t tried any wizards yet. I’d assume that a half elf fighter/wizard is one of the better combos.
I liked the sorc because though they don’t get as wide a range of spells, they do get more slots for each level. Nothing like having 6 magic missles per rest period.

I’'ve been meaning to ask. how is NWN. Is it worth my gaming time?

what’s NWN?

Neverwinter Nights

Kicks *** man. Very well made despite a few bugs. The ULTIMATE online roleplaying experience. It IS NOT Evercrack. That is to say that the visuals, though stunning, are not on the verge of full 3D rendered environs. Instead the makers concentrated their efforts on playability and adaptability. It has a DM client, player client and a server client, as well as a full tool set included in the base package. The toolset uses C language so all you C programmers will have no problem jumping right in and making your own modules right away. (us A/S’ers have to learn it all over again… but scripting is easier when you’ve got another language under your belt.)With the dm client, one player can log in with full control over the world, including spawning creatures weapons, plot twists etc.
Currently there are about 200 or so servers up and running. Most, if they are any good, will need a password to enter, but you can usually contact the admins through their various web pages to see if they will let you play with them.

Personaly… it’s everything I expected and I’ve been waiting for 7 years for this game to come out.

ever tried runescape (
it’s a crappy looking game, but it’s pretty good.