Hey. I’ve been debating on this topic, and since there are a lot of design forums out there, I want to put together a 3D design forum. If I would, would anyone want to be a part of it? That means that all of you 3d people out there could join in, and if you have the right credentials, you could be an admin or a mod :D.
But should I make a forum?
Mainly I’m expecting feedback from all of you 3d-ers for this.
what’s the status of this? i’d join. i’ve been posting at elysiun.com and reading at cgtalk because the 3D talk around here seems pretty sparse and i’m trying to learn 3D. anyway, if this ever happens i’ll be a member. i’d love to see what others are working on in the 3D realm.
I’m actually teamed up with DDD, Voets, and Simp on this, but we really haven’t started the project. I don’t have any way of buying a vbulletin license, so I’m kinda stuck there. But I’ll keep you all updated if anything progresses.
I admire your drive but there are sooo many forums/communities out there that it’s sorta a lost cause unless you present something unique to stick out and be different.
i can list off the top of my head forums for 3d that i know and most all have huge communities.
GBP . . . . What 3d Prog do you use . . . if you say Max you could be onto something.
I just did a quick search for 3d Max forums and there doesn’t seem to be that many. Yes there are a lot of 3D forums that cover all the 3d progy’s, sort of all bunched into one, but there isn’t that many 3d max only sites . . .
. . . This could be a thought . . .
would be pointless if you use Cinima 4D tho’ :puzzled:
This forum is actually going to be all 3d applications, with specific features per program. I personally use 3ds, and are getting into vue5 infinite and zbrush.
But there’s going to be more things in this forum, to make it very unique, like a magazine that completely mirrors the activities of the forum, and more that are being planned.
that’s the thing . . . there are plenty of forums out there like that.
If you are going to start something new, have a new idea, if you want to break into a market that doesn’t really need you, you have to have a niche’ (sp). Multi 3d prog forums are being done to death. Like I said if you use 3d Max, you should make a 3d Max only forum, not too many of those around.
I use LW, I go to LW forums and hang out why . . . I don’r care about 3d max, why waiste my time reading a max thread when:
I don’t have Max,
I wouldn’t know what you are talking about.
Have to waiste time sifting through max threads to find an interesting lw topic.
But that’s just me. . . .
If you have a community of max users, the focus on conversation topics are communal, Everyone is on the same page.
Now you can argue against that concept and this is fine it’s just one mans opinion, but like I said, 3d mixer forums have been done, there are a lot of good ones out there as well, you’ll have a tough nut to crack.
There are a lot of people out there who are strickly Max users, don’t care about LW or Maya, or C4D . . . so they will be all over your forum because they are communal.
That’s just the thing. In this forum, EACH application would have it’s own forum, like Kirupa has with the categories in his forum. This isn’t all just going to be and all in one forum, everything is going to be broken up, so there will be communities for people that have interests in either applications.