Basically Ive got this file (headware) and its a filw with transitions in it… just like in tha tutorial. When I test it on its own it works fine and loads up external swf as intended.
However when i load that file (headware) into another file (index) it messes up.
This is what happens:
Under Products click on Headware, and then click on Visors after the animation ends. It plays the same file as before. I.e. doesnt load up the swf i asked for.
I would appreciate sooo much is someone could help.
can i look at your fla. I think you just made a simple error because the pathing issue seem to be fine. Make sure you double check your fla carefully. Try changing the fla to _parent instead of _root.
Ill give it a go in the morn… im off to bed… its 5 30 am here… hehehe… im zombified!
thank you soo much for your help dude.
Ill see if it work and let you know!
change here = the instance name of your container.
name here = name of the file but only for the .swf the rest you can put any name but make sure all the same.