New Card Game rules

If u seen the friends episode where chandler makes up a card game to give joey his cash back you’ll have heard of this game but there are no rules. Well now there are

Download these and play it its cool And give the rules around to get the game heard about

Just click Read onlyo the password Screen


Need a username too

  • Soul :s:

Never mind reads :slight_smile:

Hehe I might try playing it one day :beam:

  • Soul :s:

thats too funny…

I love friends…

I want to touch every girl on that show…

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**I want to touch every girl on that show… **

dont we all?:run:

Agreed! :beam:

  • Soul :s:

yeh i gotta agree they are mighty fine, but 4 now ill just play cups lol

friends is sooo boring.

depends the older ones are awesome but the newer ones are yeh i gotta say lacking summet, but anyway just play the game