this are some art covers that i made for two cds from my brother
before i show it to him
i would like to know what do you think
dont know why, i have some doubts about it
these are from a album called “blue monday”
and these one are from a cd called “songs from a computer best of 2001 / 2006”
i really like the blue covers. i like the “hard to read” titles on back cover. gives the album an alternative/trippy atmosphere.
what kind of music is it anyway?
the idea was that amaze, “hard to read” (i think that everything doesnt have to be obvious). he creates music with differents softwares. i really dont know the style. i know that he has a blog with links to download for free his albums before be finish the website. im gonna try to get that url if anybody want to download it.
i test it printing the covers at the original size (12 cm x 12 cm) and the texts are reading well, the problems is at this size of image that is a little hard to read. but im really gonna see what i can do for it.
I like the sand blasted look on Blue Monday. that would go really well with a die cut plastic over the back that was blured and only the text showed through.
Hmm…I actually prefer that black and white one better…The blue one is a nice design, just the text is really hard to see like what other people said. The main point of making the back cover is to let other people know the infomation about the CD, so if the text is hard to read it can be pretty annoying for some people.
I’d like to see that blue cover, with white/light (or just turn up a bit of contrast or brightness) skyblue and smaller text and place it at some slightly darker area. I think it will help.
i like them both. #2 is my favorite. try to find a more interesting typeface. somthing that doesn’t look like typewriter. House Industries have some really awesome faces.
I agree, give the back copy the same treatment as the text on the front.
You said your brother creates music via computer software, as in lounge, trance, melodic, atmospheric ?? I’m guessing ??
I really think that the blue covers fit that genre more so than the white and black covers.
The B/W covers work very well in their own right. They are dirty, appealing, and interesting.
If I had these covers this is what my next step would be: again .IF they were mine hehe.
BLUEcover // I’d take the sharpen tool and set the opactity to about 60-70ish range. And sharpen a few hard lines to create a TINY bit of contrast between the blended blues. This would create more depth in a 3d atmosphere. The sharpen tool can create some nice effects if you play it right.
BWcover // use the paintbrush tool set to overlay, and add some very very light colors over the textures to make it pop just a bit. There’s already ALOT going on so you don’t want to “muddy” it up anymore.