New Community Site

I am trying to start a new community site for programmers and such. Its very plain right now with like no people. I had to reset it because I had a mod that went bad. So if you can go, register and kinda start to help build it I would be very thankful.



also the site is:

Thanks again

I would join your new community, but unfortunately I can’t. I’m too addicted to this one. :-\

registered and posted already…


its kinda wierd you have 1 post and its to promote your website, i find that lame and i wouldn’t at all be surprised if this thread was/were deleted, its called SPAM and is no different than you sending me an email calling me to your site

on the other hand, if you begin to post here regularly, feel free to shamefully plug your site anytime you want :stuck_out_tongue: look at my commander and chief Phil!! j/k Phil

i apologize if anything i say sounds harsh

I get what you are saying. I was talking to Kirupa and thats what he told me to do. I browse the forums a lot, but now I just have a reason to register.


And please tell your friends. And I will have a skin on the forum very soon.

hmm thas cool will, glad to have you onboard!! =)

Thanks and Thanks. well now what…


give us a reason to populate your board…

Then we will broadcast your greatness to the outer reaches of the cosmos…


Well I guess here goes. I am 16, and basicly I want a community site. I want have a place for people to go to get help and stuff. Its annoying when you have to go to like a different place when ever you need something. So I would like to have in a way a mini one stop shop. Plus I need something to do when I am bored.

If you can go and get people to go that would be great.



I’m sorry, but I think it will be hard to join yours, I’am already an active member on 5 board so…

Sorry :-\

just a little bumping action…can some of you please register and post. thanks


Hey Will,
I’m sure once you get some content, you’ll get members. Also, finishing the boards before promoting it helps quite a bit =) Good luck with it though. I wish I had the time to post there.

Kirupa :cowboy:

Hey can some people join my boards.
Please i have the good flash realated board.
Im only a begginer with boards.
And i would love people to join it.

Please someone.
I have only me and the moderator.

By the way willingford can i be a moderator for your new board.
But anyway thanks for the help…


Whats that suppsed to mean…

Nevermind. Your post originally asked Kirupa to be a moderator. Then you edited it to say willangford.

I get annoyed when people ask to be moderators. I don’t understand it. Especially when people ask Kirupa. He has many moderators and I’m sure does not need any more. I have been a regular member of the forums for over a year now, helped many people, written many tutorials (with many on the way), and I am not a moderator, never have I been considered for being a moderator, nor do I have any desire to be a moderator. What is the thrill that you get from being a moderator? What is the point? I came here to learn and to teach Flash. That is my purpose here.

Ok, sorry…that wasn’t directed towards you…just me ranting again.


lol i guess being a mod gives you some what of an aura that makes people like you:crazy:

Kirupa should make T-shirts that say:

[SIZE=3] [COLOR=red] [/COLOR]

So the mods can wear them around and feel cool!

[SIZE=1] ::heavenly music::[/size]
[SIZE=1] ::heavenly music::[/size]

yes maybe if they had hats as well…

ok thats over

lol (-: