New design-Mistake

Look at my new design.
I was just fooling around and made a mistake that is a great one.

looks good=)

render it out to a larger size so we could see more of it, but it looks interesting so far.

EG- I am rendering larger buts its taking a long time.For some very strange reason.
I guess i have to Deframent my Comp or rwestart.
When the Rendering is done and i post it here.

It would render faster if you would stop multitasking, when I render stuff, I stop doing other things and close un used programs.

here it is.

wow looks VERY nice! a bit choppy, try adding more segments to smooth it out, or a mesh smooth. but other than that very nice. it could use a bit more light now that i look at it, and it also seems a bit matalicy, try adding a softer material. that is about it, and for a mistake very nice! keep fooling around with it, you are getting very good.

Thanks Midipi
that will make me want to Fix it up alot.
And then add some more effects in PS

looks good:) …whatever it is:smirk:

I called it a plant because that kindawhat it looks lik not much.

I have an other Mistake.

The PhotoShop mistake isent th best.
I also made the view mistake but it looks good.
Any ways here it is.

I mean the les flare is bad.
If you know how to get rid of it pleas ehelp me out.

ok, just add green to the bottom so it loks like grass, then it looks ok.

Here it is aigain

Ok After using Cinema for a while i kinda forget about my cool PLant Image.

So i kinda been wokring on it for a while in photoShop and havent really use PS alot and foooled around with it.
And well here is my Master Pice

Rendering takes a long time… That strange looking thing I made took about 15 minutes to render, and I wasnt multi-tasking.

bull dog, the last one is the best outta the PS ones for sure!

Morse, really? you sure that it is set to single render? cause mine doesnt take that long…donno…try getting Brazil Render…i dont quite know what it does but it might speed it up…i will find out more right now. Also the bigger the pic the longer it takes…

Very cool bulldog!
uhuhmmm… yep!

off topic but syko what font is that in your footer?

I dont mind if people go off topic .

But they would of had to answer the question first.

And thanks for all that feedBack.I appreciate it.:love:


mind if i´m honest with ya?

the first two are very cool, but the other ones not

maybe you´re not making a good use of PS on that ones…

Cheer :skull: