allright. Here are two designs I worked on. Lemme know if they are good or bad or what I can improve on. Mostly the “mina” one, (the other one is just really playing around, except for the background art, that i do want feedback on that)
Here are the URL’s:
first suggestion: get a new server, if you are planning to host a professional design site on that server - dont do it! way too slow.
2nd: I dont really like that first one at all, just my opinion but nothing in the image appeals to me (also for such a large image why save it as a jpeg instead of gif?).
3rd: I like the second image’s potential, I think it could be developed. I dont like the colors, but thats just me- I think it has style though. One of its main problems IMHO is that it has no focus… there is a slight emphasis on the black/white drawing of the guy, but it is at a similar scale to everything else so it doesnt really have an impact. Whatever you think is the “main part” of the pic I think you should bring out a bit more, so the viewer doesnt just get lost among a bunch of design elements.
hey guys. appreciate that feedback. Yea, I’m working on my color. I think I need to study it more. But im color blind so what am I gonna do.
Both: yea…my server sucks, its free w/ my dsl connection, that’s the olny reason. I will get my own soon.
Ryall: yea, the first one I think olny certain people will like that style, I happen to. But did the colors go well w/ each other? or is it just an ugly design. I kinda liked it. I thought it looked very “cartoonish professional” if there is such a thing? lol. I kinda liked the colors on the second one as well, but again, what do i kow about color. Im seriously just getting into art and design. So I really have no focal point? I really wasnt thinking of a focal point. I was just experimenting(-:
I never really thought of having a focal point? (I’m sure I sound very ignorant right now[and I’m sure I spelled that wrong too, therefore proving my ignorance once again!]) hehe, im hard on myself.
Mudd: hey hope it actually loaded for you! haha, I know. I dont know what’s up w/ that image. for some reason i had the hardest time getting it to load up. it was wierd. I think i fixed it now. It should load pretty good. And I will try and change up some of those colors on the first one and see what I come up w/.
Thank you
Anybody else have some pointers?!
i like that little ‘bubble’ effect on ‘mina’ in the first one, looks kinda funky
but i think overall, it lacks balance. To my eyes, it looked like the writing was squished too close to the left hand side, and the printed in america thing looked out of place - doesn’t add anything to the pic, and takes up space that could be used for the text. I think if the text was in the middle it would look much better. Also, the whole circles thing (the outline) would look better if it was less complex, i.e drawn from bigger circles IMO
I think feedback should be based on the design with respect to its context. Design must have a function, ie. communicate, sell, aesthetically please, etc. Without a function it becomes more “art” then design (that is not to say that art does not have a function).
Before I get off the topic, what I am trying to say is that if you want people to give “constructive feedback”, they need to be aware of the context and function of the designs you have produced before judging them on their design.
As a picture in front of my eyes on a computer screen, it is pretey boring and nothing too special. However, if it is a brandname for a new migit clothing called “mina”, then I might have some interest and hence provide feedback.
sorry if that is harsh but it is the truth.
p.s. I like that highlight effect on the red letters, very MX.
that’s very true megatron… the fact that something has a design purpose HUGELY affects how good/suitable it is. Some of the best art would not work well as a design for something, and vice versa, some of the best design doesn’t always look super-cool
*Originally posted by megatron *
**I think feedback should be based on the design with respect to its context. Design must have a function, ie. communicate, sell, aesthetically please, etc. Without a function it becomes more “art” then design (that is not to say that art does not have a function).
Before I get off the topic, what I am trying to say is that if you want people to give “constructive feedback”, they need to be aware of the context and function of the designs you have produced before judging them on their design.
As a picture in front of my eyes on a computer screen, it is pretey boring and nothing too special. However, if it is a brandname for a new migit clothing called “mina”, then I might have some interest and hence provide feedback.
sorry if that is harsh but it is the truth.
p.s. I like that highlight effect on the red letters, very MX. **
Wow, thank you for taking the time to explain that. I really never thought about that. I’m really new to art in General, I was never interested in it until recently so I really know nothing about most of this stuff (art, design, webdesign, flash, photoshop)
But again, thank you.
and as for those pieces. they are nothing more than art. Not “designs” :sigh: