New Experiment: Project Pd 0.8

Well, I thought of this idea the other night while I was talking to Thor about the PHP image functions. It is a Flash-base Pixel Drawing Program. You can select the colors and click on each individual pixel to change the colors around. Then it outputs an image from a PHP file.

couple things about the file.

The drawing area is so small (1717) because my server has a 10 second timeout set for PHP scripts, and since the code was setting the color of 2500 (original was 5050) pixels, it took longer than 10 seconds to run. So I had to decrease the number of pixels to 17*17 (or 189 total). This worked out for the best though. The code (php and AS) executes faster and does not crash my computer anymore.


  1. Wait for the stage to be built.

  2. Draw the image that you want.

  3. When finished click the “Compile” button. This converts the array of colors into a string so that it can be passed easily to the PHP page.

  4. Once it is finished compiling the data, click the “Get Image” button and it will take you to a page where your image should be (hopefully).

Its still really buggy, and its still in test phases but I am still hapy with the results. What do you think?

Jubs :cowboy:

oh, on a side note. Once I get my own server set up for testing where I can configure the php.ini file on my own I will host something that is larger and has a higher timeout time set. :slight_smile:

Very nice jubba. Only thing I’d consider changing would be that after you click the “get image” button, the picture is extremely small and I can barely see it.

yeah i Know. its only 17 by 17 pixels. It makes a real-size image based on the enlarged thing in Flash. I will make something that is larger once I get my own server, but for now, at least it works and it outputs the (somewhat) correct image.

wow, that’s cool

Really awesome jubba :wink:

OmG this is very cool.

there is many experiments these days… mhm

It’s cool, but a Reset Stage option or something would be useful.

Other than that it’s awesome. :thumb: :thumb:

Yeah, I’m planning on adding features. If anyone can think of anything to add then let me know.

This is what I have “in development”

  1. Reset stage button.

  2. Different sized “brushes”

  3. preview screen

that’s great jubba =)

there’s a similar tool that eyez has posted before,, but this is just great. I really like it :slight_smile:

oh wow, I never saw that… :slight_smile:

yeah future version would be like that. Allowing users to actually draw using the drawing API, and not just pixels…

yup, that shouldn’t be much of a difference scripting-wise i guess :slight_smile:

WOW. thats cool!!!

great job jubba

u can use my server

500mb space and stuff i dont use it :stuck_out_tongue:

thats great! brightend up my morning!

:m: mariofan