Warning: May be processor intensive on slower machines. Be careful!
Click on the image and move the pixels around. You can see that you are actually taking the image apart pixel by pixel.
What is happening in the file:
A php script reads the image file. It gets the color of every pixel in the .jpg and then sends the color information to Flash. Flash then attaches movieclips and sets their color to that of the cooresponding pixel in the .jpg file.
I was pretty happy with this. Its the first successful experiment that I have ever completed (i usually lose focus after about 3 hours) but this one only took about 2.5 hours so thats why I actually finished it.
The next stop is to allow people to upload their own images and do some sort of effect with them.
thanks. I’m glad you all like it. I’m happy with it as well. I am hoping I will have time to finish the next version tomorrow or the day after. I’ll post once its finished.
teehee! zooms in and makes Jubba all spotty :beam:
lol, really nice work. I wish I could do something like that. In fact… I wish I actually knew some ActionScript. My knowledge extends to play, stop, gotoandplay, gotoandstop lol
wow man! This is awesome! How many lines are there in this php script? I wish I could do that! Next you could figure out a way to make the pixels that are dragged out disappear (I mean from the pic so that it leaves a white spot). …ummm… nevermind It’s actually no problem if you make it get the x and y pos of the mouse when it’s clicked copy a white pixel there… nevermind…
yeah, thanks for the help with optimizing that code. I think I finally understand setInterval now
oh, and Syko: I’m not really sure how I came up with the idea. I just new there was a huge list of image functions in PHP and I searched around until I found one that picked out the colors of pixels. Then I was like, “oh, well I do a loop here, and read the variables, and voila!”
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Out of curiosity Jubba, just how complex a picture can this cope with? **
Well, since it is just reading the color at each pixel and then The flash displays it pixel by pixel, in theory it can deal with any complexity of imagery
I’m not sure how processor intensive something larger will be. Well, we’re going to find out eventually huh? I’ll get working on the new version after I eat breakfast.
*Originally posted by Jubba * “oh, well I do a loop here, and read the variables, and viola!”
Err… it’s “voila” You don’t want to know what “viola” means…