I am a flash programmer who is starting a free flash gaming website. I am looking for people who would like to post their games off my website, in turn I will allow you to ‘license’ your game to others.
All I require is a valid PayPal account, and you have to be 18+, so you can receive payments, if your game license is purchased.
Also I will be holding a Flash Game awards every year and will be paying $5,000 for the top game submitted to my site. My games will not be eligible for the awards to make things fair.
I will be handling all hosting of the games, you just submit your game and name your license fee for a one year period. Also, you can submit a separate ‘customize’ fee, if you would tailor your game to someone’s needs.
Each game is subject to review before it is posted, and may be rejected due to questionable content. I will determine what is suitable for the site, and I will allow any author a chance to correct problems to be submitted again.
The site is www.flashtreasures.com and will not be fully up for another week or two.
Anyone interested Email me @ michael_palma@hotmail.com
- with a weblink to your game or the .swf file,
- include your name,
- age,
- one year license fee,
- and customize fee (if applicable)
Feel free to drop me a line to the same address, if you need any extra info.