New kong-style mod powers

ok, i dunno if anybody else has posted this (i did search before creating a new thread), but whats with the new powers the mods have? Its pretty cool, but whats up with it? Thor changing names (EG as well), changing colors, titles… Anything else I’m not seeing that yall can do?

i heared that they all have new “powers” or features.

I see thor changing names every day!
something fishy’s goin on… :bad:

Wow, I didn’t know having a red title would make me considered powerful. :stuck_out_tongue:

me powerful? naw, i’m just crazy.

Only admins can change those right ? Or is it some tricky thing ? There’s now way they’ll be telling me this but anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Its for the super mods and Big K only.

Voetsjoeba, I’m going to break the rules and tell you how I made my title turn red. Here it is!! :stuck_out_tongue:

<font color="red"><b>Forum Wanderer</b></font>

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Custom User Text:
This is the title that appears beneath your name on your posts.
You may enter up to 25 characters.
Check the reset box if you wish to use the the default title for your usergroup and post count.
HTML is not allowed.

Yea I know that you did it with HTML but this says its illegal!

Oh oops, I forgot to mention that only mods can apply HTML…teehee!! :stuck_out_tongue:

vote: mods can change their names now ( i donno about anyones name htoug)

I don’t know about changing other members names though, that would require super duper mod powers huh :stuck_out_tongue:

oh oh oh! eg eg eg! lol ok ok! bows down

They’re cool, I don’t like the name changing thing though. Whats the point, its just going to get confusing :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

We’ll keep that in mind if you should ever request a name change Soul, it will save us the trouble. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not talking about name changes now and then. But if the mods have an option to change their username whenever they want, its going to get confusing!

I don’t wanna change anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

I was thinking of changing mine to ElectronGeek, now that it’s not taken…



and I’ll change mine to ReverendFlash once it’s open, now would that be confusing Soul? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm slightly :stuck_out_tongue: