New (minor) smilies

dunno if we need 'em, but I made 'em anyways. so boohoo :slight_smile:


happy: (to replace the old normal smiling smilie)

dead (or whatever it looks like):

suggestions are welcome… I think precise emotional smilies are good, such as the mad one…

… or whatever… :slight_smile:

I like the mad one. I’m tired of having to say “gr…”




Like simba, the baby lion. . . .

oh… I see…

I prefer snort

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**oh… I see…

I prefer snort **
whatcha doin over there, eilsoe? coke?

absotively nutter :crazy:

yeah the mad one is good. =)

The happy one sometimes looks to me like its a baby with one buck-tooth - or like maybe hes about to whistle or something - like a half-way point of a closed mouth smile and an open mouth smile but nothing anyone would intentionally stay at

As for the dead guy - yes, he looks out of it, but I kinda wish he was more dead heh. I think his mouth looks too tense to be fuly dead.

well, the dead guy is just a substitute for ppl doing this one: x_x

I hate those…

the smiling one… uh… ****… u’r right…

They’ve been added eilsoe. Thanks :a:

new slogan: MOST_SMILIES_EVER!

lol sen, true :love:

we have to get rid of some too, soon…

k: thx :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**They’ve been added eilsoe. Thanks :a: **

btw, why is it :a**: and not :mad:?

a for angry :a: Besides, it’s a lot easier to type on letter instead of a whole word. Want me to use :m: instead?

I think m would be better. :mario: might be better for mario since mario is less generic. I would think you’d get more mads than marios (though lets not be trying to piss people off ;))

haha ok; I’ll change it to : m : then.

While you’re on it, kirupa…

Could you change this one too? --> 8] 8****]
[AS]var myArray = [];
myArray[0] = 0;
myArray[1] = 1;
// …
myArray[8] = 8;[/AS]
^ It messes up the code sometimes… :stuck_out_tongue:

…or is there any (reasonably easy) way to hack in there and disable the smilies in the code?

Yup… that would be a good option. :thumb: