New (minor) smilies

I just realized we have 2 :cool:s ( :**cool: )

ā€¦ and the two angrys


I just made this one out of pure boredomā€¦ I called it ā€œewwā€, dunno what else it resembles :slight_smile:

here it is:

looks like itā€™s about to throw up or something :stuck_out_tongue:

Pushing hard, ratherā€¦






*Originally posted by Ilyas Masa *
**:sure: **

:sure: Men. :stuck_out_tongue:



Wow, and like 8 mods online right now too. And have any of you voted in SotW? Hmm? Have you? :slight_smile:

I had a quick peek at them earlierā€¦

Still havenā€™t voted :slight_smile:

kax - changed the text tag for that smiley. Also, you can always check the Disable Smilies in This Post check box right about Show Signature in your posting window :slight_smile:

Thanks! :thumb:

And yes, I know that. I mentioned it because of the members that donā€™t know how to disable them. =)