c4d, read the author’s post on devart.
Ah - that kills my chances.
Anyways - what about the rest of it? Like renderer :)?
Probably whatever comes with c4d.
And what comes with c4d?
c4d’s standard renderer :sigh:
Take your 3D scenes in the next dimension of reality with CINEMA 4D R8’s Advanced Render Module. While CINEMA 4D’s standard renderer produces outstanding results in little time, the Advanced Render Module provides advanced features like radiosity and caustics to achieve the ultimate realism.
Well, he might’ve used mental ray or light tracer or vray. You don’t always have to use the standard renderer :sure:.
**Thanks everyone for the great feedback! **
FYI, I use C4D R8.5, with the point-point-bridge (dunno what its called) modelling technique, using blueprints. Renders done using C4D’s advanced renderer (c4d doesn’t support any 3rd-party renderers).
DDD - YES! I started with a tutorial, but from c4dportal. Here’s what I did after (sort-of) following the tut: http://www.deviantart.com/view/7683529/
and no, I’ve never written a tutorial
Zao - uhh… :huh: i didnt rip this…
i actually really like that bridge tool in cinema when i tried cinema out, i found it a very easy modelling method.
cool stuff. :beam: