Hello everyone! i haven’t posted here in way too long, so I’ll start again with some photos. I just got back from a trip to Hawaii with 10 or so of my best friends, it was a blast… and now school started so I have very little free time.
This year i’m taking a digital photography class, so i will be posting a whole lot more photos than i have before :). The class itself is pretty lame, we watched a hour long video on how to organize pictures into folders best on Friday lol I fell asleep like 10 times.
Well any way, here are a couple of my first photos for that class. The theme was water. Tell me what you think!
For both photos I lit them with an overhead projector, it provided enough light to use a fast 1/8000 of a second shutter speed to freeze the water.
Edit: here’s another one i’m most likely going to submit (we have to have 5).
more of my photos here: http://www.3dnirvana.com/Photography