New search engine

This is a pretty impressive search engine iam talking about. They give their revenues to charities and get results from searchfeed. check it out:


it’s a .tk site, they don’t even have their own server…

it ain’t gonna replace my google =)

Looks pretty SHlTTY to me…


They are using the free version of Brinkster. After 20 megs of bandwidth their site is gonna get shut down… LOL :stuck_out_tongue: :P:P :P:P:P :P:P:P:P

LOL, you call this a search engine ??

I have to say, I don’t like it at all. I’m sticking with my Google, it’s sleek, fast, and powerful. Plus I LOVE the image search, and the fact that I can change the ‘laguage’ to Elmer Fudd.

Where else can you do that!

jesus HTML pro.

You must be working for those guys because that is the single worse search engine I have ever seen.

I understand the concept of paying for relevancy on a site, but to not list a site unsell they advertise is friggin retarded.

i agree with fester.

Terrible search engine. They may as well make it site with a bunch of links for non profit organizations, if that’s really their mission.

LOL I ran a search for “macromedia” and it doesn’t even return their site in the results… gets placed at #6 when you run a search for “microsoft”

This search engine blows!

I am and always will be a faithful google fan.

careful guys, someone might come in and stand up for HTMLpro again, and make this another pissing contest…

::or doesn’t anyone remember UNFLUX’s comments, and what those were blown into::


i like the way they list it, and it LOOKS ok, but there is no content on it. sorry, but it is still google.

however they are doing a good thing with profits going to charities

I’ll stay with my happy combination of google/metacrawler

if i type it google, it doesnt find it. there is 1 result, …??

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**careful guys, someone might come in and stand up for HTMLpro again, and make this another pissing contest…

::or doesn’t anyone remember UNFLUX’s comments, and what those were blown into::

Rev **

I thought I had seen that name before… Its all comming back to me now…



Thats the best search engine i have seen in a while

I cant stop using it