I think the rings look gigantic though, the paper doesn’t look in proportian, but I’m worried that if I make it bigger I would lose too much space for information and stuff… what do you all think? And the picture overall?
On second thought, the tape doesn’t look that bad… I looked around at some “tape” tutorials and they all pretty much came out the same. Good Job :thumb:
The angle it’s on kinda throws me off. I agree the tape looks a little fake, but it’s not a big deal. I think it looks great! I didn’t notice the proportions on the paper till you mentioned it.
the rings are out of proportion. I’m looking at a pad right now and the rings have roughly the spacing of the ruling on the paper. In the image the scaling looks to be at least 2:1. Why not set the binder at the size you want and scale the content to fit. If it’s supposed to be scotch tape, measure some scotch tape and scale it appropriately, etc etc.
the rings are a photo, its a notebook. Some pads are in that manner, with lots of little rings. I did end up changing the size of the other stuff though, and it looks better, but the stuff wont seem to load now. I put it into flash and was all excited to show you the little bit I did. I’ll post when I’m sure it’s working.
So I just talked to my friend that I am making the site for and he doesn’t like it. He said it’s too ‘lighthearted’ for their business. I guess so. Whatever.
this is as far as I got with it: http://www.passedtime.com/mulepack/stuff/oneway.html