New Tattoo

Is this it kit :h:

I thought it’d be Andy Hessenthaler …

Hmm, maybe I ought to get “Hessenthaler” done across my shoulders… Then again, maybe not. :slight_smile:

Hehe. Yeah, that’s the one Rab.

Hey Kit I was thinking about getting another tat in that same spot as your Angel one. How badly did that hurt? Mine would be just black also - no color fill.


I was watching Charlie’s Angels:Full Throttle, and there was this Irish guy who was the most bad-***'d bad-*** I’d ever seen. He had this tattoo across the back of his shoulders, and I forget what it said because I was sleepy but it was pretty cool. Then he walked through a path of flaming gasoline. I think the gasoline was cooler though.

Trouble is it was so long ago, any pain has faded into the mists of time. I think it was bearable though, as you’ve got a bit of padding there. The shoulder was straight on the bone, which hurt a fair bit…

anyone remember George Clooneys tattoo at the end of Dusk Til Dawn

you only see it for a second and it’s the full length of his arm but it’s pretty cool :thumb:

I like tattoos though I don’t think I’d get one. I was gonna get a religious themed one a while ago but I changed my mind and I can’t see myself changing it back…though you never know

Thats a neat tat on your belly kit.

Hope you dont plan on having any kids though.

It would probably get pretty distorted and maybe read Transexual Demon Whore or something :wink:


Yes, that would be a bad thing… :stuck_out_tongue:

I like that one a lot though, it’s what I always wanted and I’m really pleased with it. :slight_smile: I like wearing clothes hat show it off. Now I’m going to have to cut all the sleeves off my tops to show off the new one… :sigh: :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and I’ve also just dyed my hair brown. So I look completely different. :stuck_out_tongue:

[size=5]GREAT!! :thumb:[/size]

[size=1]j/k [/size][size=2]j/k J/K J/K [size=3]J/K [/size][size=4]J/K!!![/size][/size]

Any pictures on that? :ne:

Blonde whos bottle brunette = Artifical Intellegence

Best Tattoo, and reasoning behind it ever (IMO)… Jesse James (US Moto Builder)… it is like 12 inches high and goes from sholder to shoulder across his back, aka HUGE! Anyway…

why he got it: “I wanted to get something that would never go out of style”

what it is: a US 100 dollar bill

That is just ef’ing sweet!


[size=9][size=3]Damm, these tatoos are so[/size] TRENDY![/size]

That’s a nice bbutton Kit :love:

Call me whatever, I’m crazy about bbuttons :to:



Yikes. :stunned:

Other half went out and got one last weekend too - it’s a tribal thing across his shoulders, kind of like wings… It’s beautiful. :slight_smile: Got a piccy on my phone but no way of getting it off right now. Same with the brunette - that’s on the phone too. :sure: