he is proof of how addictive tattoos can be. i would love to have one, but i know id get bored of it…im too fickle
my ex had a tulip like kit on her stomach, which was okay… but i believe you have to be very careful about what you get. it depends on who you are, some people just look like trailer trash whatever the tattoo, but others really carry it off.
This is true. Some people can carry off the piercing / tattoo thing, others can’t. The b/f has four rings in one ear and a bolt through his eyebrow, but it looks good, doesn’t look silly or anything. Unlike a mate who’s got one hoop earring and it looks terrible.
I’ve kept my tattoos fairly small and unobtrusive since I’m only tiny anyway, but I still can’t completely shake off the urge to get a great big tat down one arm… :evil:
fella at our workplace is a Hells Angel, now he does have tattoos…alot of them.
I have an ace idea in my head of the tattoo i want, only problem is i want it plastered right across my back…not a good idea for my first tattoo me thinks.
here are some close-up pics of my new tattoo’s, not fully healed yet, and my leg-hair hasn’t fully grown back yet, so don’t mind my shaved legs
quality sucks, stupid sony ericsson t610