I’ve been thinking, about why people want to start doing Pixel Art and join kVille. Then i thought about what stops them, and basically it can seem daunting and difficult to establish the early basics of a kVille building. So to encourage more people to get involved I’ve modifyed the current templates to provide basic walls and lines, giving a novice the chance to simply add their design, and upon becoming more confident, modifying the actualy shape of the building to include, e.g. extensions. Also with the current colouring it shows what reasonable amounts of shading will look like, from bright, to dark.
This has been a problem for many people who are shading incorrectly, the sun to top left and behind all buildings.
These are not submissions but are to be used by anyone who would like help getting started. The yellow background should be removed, or at least coloured white to be removed by Kirupa.
Always remember that there is a small pathway around the building.
Here they are. I have’nt uploaded a 2 X 2 Blank, for a begginer who will be using these 2 X 2 is a lot to start with. For more experienced artists who will use these templates but wants to do a size 2 X 2, if there is enough want I’ll do it.