New to C++. Lookin' for some help!

Ok, I just picked up a copy of Visual C++ the other day, and I’ve been playing around with it. Problem is, I’ve never done any desktop based programming before and I’m having trouble grasping the syntax concepts and can’t seem to find any good resources online for it.

So, I thought I’d post my first few questions here and hope somebody can help me. Thanks in advance!

  1. Say I’ve just dropped a button from the toolbox onto a fresh form named myFirstForm. I double click on the button in design mode, which creates and event for the button and takes me to the code view. There, I see this code:

    private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {

What is the correct syntax to have the button close the current form and where do I put that code? How about to minimize the window?

  1. What does the code look like(and where does it go) to have the Icon for the application show in the system tray?

  2. I can place a Flash Movie inside my window/form with the “Shockwave Flash Object”, however, this still displays the flash menu within the Shockwave Object(zoom, about flash 9, etc.). How do I remove this context menu completely, and/or display my own context menu on a right click event?

3.1) Is there a better way to embed a flash movie inside of a form/window? If so, what is it?

  1. Where are a few good places I can go to find answers to questions like these? Is there a resource for C++ similar to the W3C for web stuff or for PHP?