Newbie - E-mail link?


I’ve been poking around this forum a bit recently and everyone seems so nice that I got my courage up and decided to post a site (well I will in a few minutes, anyway) that I designed in Flash MX. I had a lot of trouble but managed to sort most of it out though I still have two problems and I hope someone can help me out. I would like to point out that I am a complete beginner and not too familiar with scripting in Flash (if anyone can tell me of some good tutorials - actually more like a course for idiots :blush: on scripting that would be great.

So here are my problems:

  1. How do I make an e-mail address (text) link to an outlook (or other e-mail system) window with the address in the TO: section?

  2. I have these scroll buttons I made from a tutorial that u can click and hold and they scroll - problem is the speed - the go at about the speed of light …:stunned:

I hope someone can help out… but if not … thanks anyway.


Hey man,

  1. Use

Or something like that.

  1. Be more specific. Can you post your code?

pom :cowboy:

Thanks, u r an angel :beam:

For the scroll buttons it goes like this:

  1. I have a button symbol with the following code:

on (Press) {
lPressed = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
lPressed = false;

  1. It is then converted into a movie clip symbol with the following code:

onClipEvent ( enterFrame ) {
if (lPressed) {
_root.sText2.scroll -= 1;

I got this code from a tutorial on making click and hold scroll buttons - I tried several tutorials but this was the only one that worked in Flash MX (I was probably doing something wrong on the others but I just can’t see where :()
