Newbie having problem with a template - 'transition' flashes! PLS HELP!

Hi all!

Ive used flash from a designer and animator around flash 8 - just opnend CS4 today - so ive not used it for a while…ive found a nice free template to modify to make a friends website - im very happy modifing graphic/text colours and all of that - and rather than build a website from scracth i thought i would use an exsiting template. I found a great one here:

Ive changed it a bit and when i go to publish everytime you click the buttons on the right what should be a smooth fade from lone image to another fades and then flashed a frame - at first i thought it was somehting i had done then i opened and previewed the orginal file…and it does it there!

All i can do i scripting is stop frames so i dont know the first thing about action scripting…i can provide the file im using and its 1.3 mb…this site wont let me attach. Can anyone assist in helping me out - ive tried publishing to an earlier verison of the player - no joy…im sure its a simple fix if you know how!!!

Ill be very gratful - Final Cut pro and Pshop are my areas of skill if i can repay the favour!!! :slight_smile: