Newbie Having Problem with Hyperlink

I will appreciate it if anyone can help tell me how to put Hyperlink on a number of graphics in flash MX. I have a flash template that I am using with a number of button like grahic images at the top to be used as links for all the other pages in the site. I am trying to place a link on each graphic to open the individual pages without sucess.

What I have been doing is to click on the image and put the link on the test. It does indicate a link but when we click on it nothing happens. I will profoundly appreciate all the help I can get.

if you linking to pages within the same Flash movie you just need a gotoAndStop(“framelabel”) action, if your other pages are in Flash movies, you need a loadMovie (’ nameofmovie.swf’,1), if you are trying to load html pages you need a getURL (“”,1).
It might be easier to answer your Q if you could post an example fla

Hope that helps


Thanks so much. I have attached a sample of the template I am working from. I just need to have links on the graphics showing Home, Products, About etc. I tried al of the methods and they show the link present but nothing will happen when you click them

Hmmmmm… your graphics with the text become buttons by the end of the animation, there is no code on them now - is that right, and I can’t see that the movie can go anywhere as it all stops on the last frame. So, if someone clicks on home for example, what do you want it to do ?
Did you try this code :


If you didn’t, it sounds to me like you need to do a couple of basic tutes - try it and let me know


Thanks. I have reattached the template I have worked on prior. I put the links on the static text on the graphics as I did for the home but the home works and the others don’t.

What I am doing is that this movie will be used as the top part of a flash/html page ( my index.html). I will use the links to open other html pages which will be subsidiary to the home page. The new pages will work in the same window.

Its not clear why it worked for the home and not for the others. I know I am a newbie at flash but cant even figure this out. Really truly appreciate all your great help. You are so kind.

Your are probably making this more difficult than it needs to be. You need to determine what are graphics and what are buttons.

Identify all the graphics by clicking on them ( one at a time) this bit would have been easier if the layers had names. Once you have identified the graphics, click on the eye and padlock icons in the timeline panel so that they (a) stay in place and (b) are hidden from view. You can then work on the buttons exclusively, if you place the same code on each button, ( just call a different html page) there is no reason why they shopuldn’t work.

The other thing to note, is if your flash movie/template is the first file, it should be published in html and renamed index.html, to avoid confusion ( yours ) the html pages being called in to the movie should not be called index.



=) Big thanks Steve. I finally got it working and everything looks really great. I really appreciate all your help. Its a great team here.