Hiyas all! I’m what you would call a newbie to the FLASH scene and I’ve been around the block for HTML but not much else and even in HTML im no master since I cant even draw (Partly becuase i havent taken the time to try :D)
But, ignoring all that I decided to learn a bit of Flash becuase it seems fun and whatnot. Probably most of you here are Professionals (I’m inpsiring to hopefully reach that level someday) so please don’t mind some kid’s attempt to make a flash website, thanks :D!
And also dont ask about the no-ip thingy or “ericradio” those were long ago experiments and its hosted currently off my computer at home so…Anyway, looking for advice, pretty much I looked at Flash websites choose one that the layout looked easy and nice and emualted it with changed colors, pics, etc… Most of the pictures are just basic photoshoped with no fancy crap added on. It took me 3 trys to get something simple like this so I hope its even worth looking at
Oh and one more thing don’t ask about the lightsaber effect thingy, saw that tut on Flashkit and was like, what the hell lets make one,