Newbie Needs Help In Flash 5


I have created an intro using Swift 3D v 3 and an animation which is going to be used for the navigation bar also done in Swift 3D. I now need some help in Flash 5 to do the following

I want to play the intro first and as soon as the intro is finished the animation for the navigation appears.

However i have tried various ways of doing this but it either keeps looping or after the animation for the navigation plays it then stops and the scene goes blank.

I want the navigation animation to kinda pause at the last frame so that you can still see the animation and i can then create some rollovers and that.

I hope you can understand what i’m trying to do and would appreciate any help in solving this. I can also send you the files if you require.

Thank You


i hope your intro and navigation is seprate swf file which is exported from swift, that is good.

first you create a empty movie name it as “introMC” and import your intro swf into this movie. then remove first frame, as swift telling then in last frame of ur new movie write _root.nextframe(). then come to scene, put your introMC to frist frame and give a command stop().

Then create another movie name it as “nav” and import your navigation swf into this movie. then come back to scene and put “nav” movie into second frame. write stop()

i hope ur “nav” movie have only one frame.

it will work…

take care of file size and optimization.
