(First of all, and being this my first post, I wanna say hi to everybody, one week lurking and I became a fanatic of kirupa!
Well, I’m a quite experienced designer when it comes to static design (ya know, photoshop, freehand, fireworks and so on) but throughout these years, I was lacking to manage flash. The few times I made something in flash, I used Swish (I know, shame on me, but I really mastered it). Somehow, I had a blocking with flash. Maybe because the flash for my work was made by my people, so never worried about it. But always wanted to learn it, and now, since I discovered Kirupa I’m learning really fast.
However, I’ve some (maybe stupid) questions. I tried the search features, but couldn’t find the answer
1- How can I copy a scene from a .fla to another? Is it posible? Or the only option is to load the .swf file?
2- I’d like to make a mask with a motion guide, but if I do a mask, the motion guide option becomes disabled and if I add a motion guide, the same happens to the mask option. What am I doing wrong? I don’t think is not possible, any help about it?
Well that’s it by now, hope you can help me with this