The Kirupa example: Creating a full Flash site

I’ve never created a full Flash site and really want to. The tutorial on the Kirupa site on Creating a Full Flash Site ( was great but I have a question… probably a stupid question, but I have to ask it anyways. Did you have to create the linked swf files separately? Those pages have fun features on them as well - but since the fla files weren’t included in the download - I guess I wasn’t sure.

I don’t see how they mesh. I’m probably not wording this very well - but hopefully someone will understand.


yea each were made seperately and then loaded into the MAIN movie :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick reply! Now I just need to get this straight… the other fla movies that would be created do not need to have the main navigation in them since it’s part of the main movie. Is that right? They should just contain what they need too - their own movie clips, etc.? Is that the whole Index Animation versus the Content Animation that the directions referred too?

yeeep :stuck_out_tongue: THey each only need to contain their own things…

:h: [COLOR=darkblue]including their own navigation?[/COLOR]

no the main movie has the navigation. Then there is a little section in the MAIN movie which can load stuff in (content). :slight_smile:

And if you wanted a secondary navigation on a subsequent level… ??? could that be done? Or is it better to keep all navigation on the main movie?

it can be done, although many people only have a navigation on the main movie :slight_smile: