Newbie Swift 3d question

Hello ! I created 3d animation in Swift 3d (rotating cube). But I want this cube to rotate slower. My question is how can I change rotating speed of a cube, I will use animation in flash ?

Tx for your answers

slow down the frames per second I think it defaults to 12fps. Or add more keyframes to your animation.

Hey 3d-iva,
I wondered what program you used to make that 3D logo on your website (
Thanks. :tie:

thats not my logo, but I created this in swift v3. Supposed to be my logo like melted down or forming something.:crazy:

It looks very cool. :slight_smile:
Could you give me some explanation how you made this? All I can do in Swift is some very basic 3D shapes. Yours looks awesome!
Thanks in advance!

What I did was in the extrusion editor made like a couple of odd shaped blobs. then I arranged them together as u see there. Then I gave each shape a high “outer rounded bevel”. You may have to play with applying the bevel to either on side or 2 sides. In mine I chose 2 sides because it made my shape more rounded. I applied a pictre of a snowy mountain to the environmet . Then made a chrome texture for my blobs that reflect the environment. Then I made a plave that basically cuts thorugh the image to make a floor the gave that plane some reflective properties. I played witht he colors, cameras and lights till I got my shadows and everything nice. then exported as a png the optimized the png in fireworks and published. Let me know if you need a more precise explanation. Or help with one of my steps I made this a while back so some stuff maybe fuzzy.

Erm, well, let me first try this out. I’ll let you know if I don’t get it right. :wink: Thanks! (-: