Basically im quite new to flash and im wondering if anyone would like to do a joint project with me.
The site could be about anything and is really aimed at newbies, although the expeirenced are welcome.
Basically I want to do this so I can learn from other people techniques, and maybe they learn some from me, and experience with working with other flash designers.
keljnr, you might have to be more specific. What are your skills? What your you prefer to work on, and what would you want in a partner? Come up with a small example site or something, or a logo. That usually makes things a lot easier.
I’ll help. I’m always looking for projects to add to my portfolio. I was supposed to be starting a design studio with Visual Aid but I haven’t heard from him in about 2 weeks so I presume that idea is down the drain. This sounds fun though so I’ll give it a shot.
You got any idea what you would like it to be about?
Dunno. What are you into? Music, sport, pastimes? I would like to do something a little different from your average web project. You know, something people would notice and enjoy.
he said hes kinda new to flash, and he wants to work with somebody on a site of any kind just so he(?) or other people wanting to learn (?) can learn (flash and website stuff) i guess… but keljnr, i think you should just try teaching yoru self flash, thats what i did (tuts dont work for me)… try it!
Well, I play Pro Evolution Soccer 2. And you’re British, remember? We call it football, or footie. Anyhoo I like your taste in music, I play PS2 games quite alot and I’ll watch pretty much any film. I’m also into design.
I think as this is your idea you should get to choose what it’s about. Phew, that’s me off the hook. I would really like to do something a bit unusual and quirky.