Anybody know some good news feeds for websites?
well, i go to for pretty much everything. then there’s the more reliable BBC. for techie stuff, there’s,, etc.
is this the type of stuff you’re talking about?
Ah BBC :love:
- Soul :s:
yeah, i love the BBC. greatest news…thingy in the world, imo. newscasters have no enthusiasm whatsoever, they get to the point, they do world news on a regular basis (CNN tends to stay national if there wasn’t such a world event as the war in Iraq). I actually get the BBC on TV in one of the rusty channels. I don’t have cable.
were are you from Thoriphes
Virginia, USA
and you get BBC out there:crazy:
yeah, surprisingly. i feel grateful though.
it’s very good
the have active TV in England that is really good
but i have the net so never use it
Thanks people, i know all the sites, but i see on some websites they have for example the main 4 or 5 headlines dynamicaly loaded into a table for frame on your own site. Where can i find how to get these. I’ve done searches at CNN FOX BBC and some news centres here in Australia but cant find where to get the script for the feeds… Thanks for the quick response too…
MSNBC is what i love to watch, its so, good! i love it. as far as news reels i dont know any.
I think i get BBC, i donno though, its in the way upper channels and i dont feel like finding it lol
Have a look at - I have some NASA feeds on there… This is what i’m after…
i really good and VERY funny site EVERYONE should check out is
he is the guy from GTA but he is his a tech news reporter
he does shows all across america and in Playboy:flower:
by they way thor, its