News Flasher - Masking Issue

I can’t seem to mask this component. Does anyone know how?


Howdy and Welcome…

Just one quick questions… Did you embed the font properly within that component and your movie???

I believe so. I’m using Arial as an embeded font.

I you have got it to work with a mask, please send the fla file to my email address.


Well… Why not put up what you have right now, so that other people can take a look at it??? I think that will be faster… :wink:

Here’s my sample file, note you need the text file too! see posting below.

Required text file attached.

Um… I told you to check if the font is embedded correctly…

Well… Guess what!!! It wasn’t embedding the font at all… :frowning:

The text field that says ‘Having Trouble Masking the bugger!’ is the one that needs to get the font embedded… Click on the Character and say All Characters…

That worked for me… Let me know… :wink:

Excellent, issue solved. I was under the impression that an embeded font was by default a font selected from ones list of fonts. Also that a nonembeded font was _sans, _serif & _typewriter. Looks like I need to read up on the differences.

Thanks heaps

No problem… :wink: