News management program

Also I am looking for a news program for my site. My server supports MySQL as well as Php and I would like a combination of both. I don’t want some text file type stuff. :slight_smile: This is a good script, but the page is on german :slight_smile:

There is another good script like this, but I forgot the name, and it’s based on txt files…

Maybe do a google search for: news script php free :slight_smile:

Go here: Hotscripts - News Publishing

:slight_smile: that’s the smartest way …

Thanks to you all I downloaded Fusion News. I have yet to install it so I can tell you about it after a while.

If I get an error I will come back to you guys for help so get ready… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

That’s the other one I tried. It uses txt files as far as I know, but otherwise it’s pretty nice done…

Alright. I have installed News Fusion and it works great. This was exactly what I needed but I can’t change one of the templates.

There are differernt news box when you put in a new news and for some reason I can’t make them to look my main site color. I have tried editing every color possible but no use. Any ideas.

Ive never used it… :sigh:

I would really appreciate it if you can take 2 minutes of your time and install it.