so… when’s the next contest gonna be? and what’s it gonna be about?
I’m not rushing anybody or anything… just asking…
I don’t mind if they are once a year or something… just asking
A footer contest next… week? month? year? Nobody knows…
Am I right if I say that we know it’s gonna be a footer contest but we don’t know when… am I right?
I HATE SCHOOL! you get knowledge but The next post in this is about 17-18 hours away 
I miss the rush hour too! the rush hour here is at night, maybe late in the evening… and I’m gonna miss it!!! :*(
I post here now and maybe a minute goes by and somebody posts back asking me a question or something and I can’t post back until 4 o’ clock tomorrow!!! OMG!
Hey Syko!
The next contest probably won’t be until about mid December Don’t worry, everyone will get plenty of time to particpate and create cool entries. Time should not be an issue…if all else, I can always extend the final date by a few days/weeks/years lol.
Kirupa =)
Can I submit the footer I use currently into this contest?
Or does a person have to create a footer other than the one they are currently using?
Hey lost!
You can use the one you have already =) This is both a contest that is fun and is useful. You can use your submitted footer as a footer in the forums, other forums, etc. I just felt that a footer competition would be more practical for all users who may want to use their creations in something else besides an experiments section
I will set guidelines on the MAXIMUM width and height though. They should be large enough to allow for majority of the footers present on the site; just none that are ridiculously large.
Kirupa :rambo:
After that contest I guess everyone will post around with fancy footer here
I bet Eilsoe will be submitting massive amounts of footers
Where has he been anyway, maybe I just haven’t been on at the right times, but he like disappeared.
well… gotta make hundreds of 'em to be sure…
What will the max size be. I would like to get a head start:P
Filesize limit on these? same as normally applies??