sorry guys, I think Majoras Mask kicks ***. And Occroin of Time. Sh!t i hate my spelling.
I dissagree about majoras mask. I thought it was pretty good, but not the best. Ocarina has to be the best, it was just so good at the time…
sorry guys i didn’t play zelda until i got my 64 :(, but i still love playing it !!
but my favourite game on nintendo would be exite bike!!!
whats everyones favorite old school game ???
mine ----> megaman series !!! i love em’ !!!
*playing it right now !!!
WEll I have to go with Mario 1, 2, 3 and all other versions of the game. What’s more fun then jumping around with your plummer.
id have to go with either megaman, or final fantasy1! im playing legend of zelda 2 right now. apparently it was the red headed stepchild of the series, but im kind of enjoying it.
*Originally posted by danielthelion *
**id have to go with either megaman, or final fantasy1! im playing legend of zelda 2 right now. apparently it was the red headed stepchild of the series, but im kind of enjoying it. **
same thing with the mario series - the second ones (american version) were different sidescroller styles. I still liked 'em both
The original 3 mario’s (and super mario world too) kicked butt. I still play them all today (not even the gameboy versions, the originals!). Also, i know this might sound random, but have any of you played pilotwings for the N64? I love that game, good stuff…
pilotwings rocked! i havent played it in a million years tho…i really liked mario bros. 2 a lot! it was probably my all time favorite mario game…just kinda quirky but great fun factor!
lmao !! pilotwings ! i haven’t heard that game mentioned in ages !!!
wow !!
*looking through his nintendo collection
well, for those that don’t know (I’m guessing most do since the release of the SNES ports of them) here is the first link I came up with for those that aren’t familiar with why mario2 is so different:
However, I disagree with his belief that nintendo still wrote that and intended it for mario.
Still fun, though. My favorite is definately SMW. I kinda wished they would have stayed 2D, but the new ones are fun too. (Haven’t been able to play Sunshine yet, though. Enough rambling - I started off this post just to say pilotwings kicks a**!!!(i only played the one for snes)
Pilotwings64 is even awesome-er (or more awesome for those who want perfect grammer), and i love it. Anywho, that article is interesting. Weird how that game is so similar to SMB2. And, i also agree that SMW is a great game, i loved that… so good…
yeah, no kidding, i really enjoyed that article a lot! it was not only hilarious but pretty informative. kinda makes you wonder what other nintendo games were altered.
It does make you wonder. But, i think its just SMB2 that may have done that, but i dont know that for sure… Let’s change this to a different direction, What do you think will be innovative about the N5 (or the next nintendo console around 2005-2006)?
i doubt this next round will bring it, but I really wish console makers would be more innovative with hardware. I don’t mean processor speed, I mean like the power glove or the light gun. Or, dare I say it?.. some vr goggles.
I think technology is getting good enough, cheap enough, and gamers are getting sophisticated enough that these things are more likely to work well and be accepted these days.
I know there are light guns already, but they are not widely supported or utilized. If these things came with systems that would make an even bigger difference. Kind of like analog joystick controls - I couldn’t imagine playing splinter cell without it, but before they were standard on joysticks it probably wouldn’t have been part of the game.
ramble off… for now
splict… true. true…
I beleave exstra features, hook up with a handheld, DVD player, camera, online hook up, more differnt gamens and more nintendo
As much as we all would like to see nintendo go to right size compact discs for the next system, i dont think they will, and i am not sure if we’ll see dvd playability on the next system either. Nintendo has always been about the games…
well ill be honest, from what ive heard and the articles ive seen in the past, nintendo pay very well end up going the same route that sega went. i hope this doesnt happen, but nintendo’s sales and x box have both suffered greatly from the ps2. and the ps3 is supposed to be using some revoloutionary technology.
i’ve always said that it isnt about the hardware, its about the funfactor of the games…so lets hope that nintendo kicks it up a notch for the next go.
Well i think you need to update your view of nintendo. The gamecube is the most sold consol on the WORLD! There for they must sell the most games and there for make the most money.
here’s is the news update.
go nintendo!
*Originally posted by T-O *
**Well i think you need to update your view of nintendo. The gamecube is the most sold consol on the WORLD! There for they must sell the most games and there for make the most money.
here’s is the news update.
go nintendo! **
it depends, the PS2 had better sales for a long time.
There are a lot more PS2s in homes than there are GameCubes…
its getting heated in here!