*Originally posted by njs12345 *
**it depends, the PS2 had better sales for a long time.
There are a lot more PS2s in homes than there are GameCubes… **
*sign What art a P.S.2? ;(
*Originally posted by njs12345 *
**it depends, the PS2 had better sales for a long time.
There are a lot more PS2s in homes than there are GameCubes… **
*sign What art a P.S.2? ;(
There may be ‘more’ as you ‘claim’. But which is played more? I’ve had a ps2 for years, and i havent touched it or played it in atleast a year. Gamecube is just so much better, and they have great exclusives as well. What [U]sony[/U] made exclusives can match up to nintendo made ones?
*Originally posted by danielthelion *
**i hope this doesnt happen, but nintendo’s sales and x box have both suffered greatly from the ps2. and the ps3 is supposed to be using some revoloutionary technology.
Probably some kind of morphing mechanism that folds in on itself to form something lude and wanton.
i have gamecube, N64, gameboy advance SP, used to have SNES, gameboy, and gameboy color.
i am a HUGE nintendo fan, always have been loyal to the company
i’d of course like to be in the cult.
then join! …
anyways, lets change gears yet again…
whats everyones favorite “type” of nintendo game? i.e. racers, fighters, rpg’s, sims, etc…
remember f-zero? one of my favorite racers, and my favorite rpg would probably be final fantasy II.
egnawg101 —>>> is nr. 14
just ad this to your sig.
[-size=1]:: Kirupa Nintendo Cult Member 14 ::[-/size]
with out the “-”
My fav kind of game on a consol has to be the Action adventure games. Like, Zelda, SSX
danielthelion- I got F-zero! it’s awesome! the Graphics make me want to crap my pants.
i feel so retarted, but what is my sig, and add exactly what to it?
so so sorry
user cp > edit Profile > Signature.
[size=3]The Kirupa Nintendo Cult newsletter 2[/size]
Site online:
Yes, the site is online!check the site. check it our here: http://home.deds.nl/~eek/nintendo/ This site is only a previeuw of more to come I think i have to put some effort into the site.
Cool Games Coming out:
Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution on the cube March, 2004
Great game, I liked the version on the sega.
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed on the GBA March, 2004
Some awesome graphics on the GBA.
Welcome are new members:
[]Nr10. E1KO
[]Nr11. Yeldarb
[]Nr12. revolution
[]Nr13. danielthelion
alright, done
sorry about the retartedness. :h:
Ok, i have almost had enough with nintendo. I cant believe they were almost going to go and delay the N5. That would have been so stupid. Atleast now it will come out on time. So, what does everyone think will be nintendo’s ‘goodies’ at E3?
I’m out
hehe, i just like being a rebel
[read the sig :P]
because Yeldarb dropt out. Some poeple have a new number.
Current members:[list][size=1][]Nr1. T-O
[]Nr2. t3h t3rminator
[]Nr3. Master64
[]Nr4. sk8ing
[]Nr5. cartoonfox
[]Nr6. mariofan
[]Nr7. junahu
[]Nr8. SureShot
[]Nr9. splict
[]Nr10. E1KO
[]Nr11. revolution
[]Nr12. danielthelion
[*]Nr13. egnawg101
hey t-o, f-zero was revolutionary for its time!, and i have to agree, the phantasy star games for sega were my favs right after shining force, which, for me personally, i dont think anyone will ever be able to touch.
as for the site, i can’t wait to see what to come! i notice on this mac that im using right now i could use the scroll bar on the site…is it a mac thing, or maybe a flash player version thing.
…am i really # 12?..i kinda got used to bein #13
yes you have a new number: Yeldarb dropt out.
**** it…
It seems that other cults have cultivated. coping the succes of the Nintendo Cult.
Well, its only natural. They envy us nintendo-er’s. Anywho, i saw Geist, and it looks great. Hope it comes here, because that would be awesome. Lots of good stuff at E3 hopefully!
Actually, I didn’t make a cult. A cult would be like the KKK so you might wanna look up the word :puzzle:.
Sorry but I have to say xbox cant envy gamecube. But if you disagree, go beat some baddies with kirby :bad:!
goes and kill baddies with kirby !!!
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