OK. Normally if I had this situation, I’d make a bunch of external .swfs, and load them. But in this case there are too many tiny mcs to deal with…so…
I have a movie. It has a whole bunch of mcs in its library. It has some buttons. I want to use attachMovie in the following way:
on the button:
on (release){
_parent.attachMovie ("movieclip_mc","new", 4);
This works GREAT with export in first frame checked in my linkage. It doesn’t work AT ALL without it checked, and I CANNOT export everything in the first frame because I MUST PRELOAD the entire thing on frame 1.
I’ve never used attachMovie before, and I am new, new, new to Flash 8 (came from regular MX) so maybe there’s something I’m missing.
Any help would be great!
Thanks so much in advance for any advice…