Attach Movie Question?

is it possible to use attachMovie without exporting the MC in the first frame.
because i tried to do it so i wouldn’t have problems preloading, but when i uncheck export in first frame it doesn’t show up at all. here is my code just in case it mattered.

i have five buttons ‘b1, b2, b3, b4 and b5’ and 5 mc ‘words1, words2, words3, words4, and words5’ being attached to an empty mc on root called ‘holder’.

for (var i = 1; i<6; i++) {
_root.nav["b"+i].onPress = function() {
num = this._name.toString().substring(1, 2);
_root.holder.attachMovie("words"+num, "words"+num, _root.holder.getNextHighestDepth());