End Of Message?
very much so.
End Of er… Tomatoes?
I was thinking more along the lines of ‘End of Thread’ (usually ones that I take part in Of course, there’s always the alternative:
’Englishing of Thread’ :thumb:
Ok, since I was the artist I can confirm it was a shirt. The cowboy had pink undies, this is a shirt.
I died. Sorry. I’m alive now. Hulk sucked, by the way, for those who didn’t hear. Don’t waste your money?
*Originally posted by EthanM *
**Ok, since I was the artist I can confirm it was a shirt. The cowboy had pink undies, this is a shirt. **
just who do you think you are? the artist?
Hey Aislin - I would take those down… If a mod sees them…
kit, get with the banning already… its about time you learnt how
Get with it, kid! Kit obviously loves me.
I won’t go so far as banning, but yes, Aislin, can you pease take them down, we can’t really allow that.
You’re right… I don’t know what I was thinking.
daaaaaaaaaaaamn straight! you go girl
careful Aislin…
we wouldn’t want to tempt fate twice, now would we?
*Originally posted by EthanM *
You’re right… I don’t know what I was thinking. **
good. well done.
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**careful Aislin…
we wouldn’t want to tempt fate twice, now would we?
Rev **
daaaaaaaaaaaamn straight! you go girl
DEEEELETED (Said in my Strongbad voice.)
Side Note: I don’ty think I’ve ever started such a long post not about what I started it on.:crazy:
dont worry. thats the effect I have on peop… I mean threads
I fully apologise… just waiting for Soul to post his epic about me kit and … himself