lol after my last attempt I’ve got anohter new look, I really like this one. Here it is…
What you think? :beam:
- Soul :s:
lol after my last attempt I’ve got anohter new look, I really like this one. Here it is…
What you think? :beam:
this one really sux! lol, just kidding. well, I like older look more than your new one, but doing something good is a good thing
Why don’t you like it?
I didn’t say that I don’t like it, I said that I like older look more than your new one Dunno, just imo the older one looks better, that’s all.
I like it :beam:
What does anyone else think?
I like it… looks coooool. Better than your old one. Except you need FLASH for your footer
I think it looks great man - excellent work
If you are going to put any flash in the footer - just do a tiny bit, like some moving lines (very subtle) but nothing flashy.
I think your new identity looks great!
Thanks guys
Yeah when I’ get flash I’m gonna make a few of the little lines move nice and subtle
cool =)
but your first one was better
The first one sucked!! lol!
This old thing? :P…
Bahh! :beam:
yeah! that old thingie rox! =)
strokes Guig0 :beam:
who’s the person with the wrench in thir footer? that thing rocks.
and I like the new looks, Soul. I think i mentioned it in another thread.
Reminds me of a Winamp skin I had, where it looks like a classy and very antique media player from the thirties or fourties.
that’s a very, very nice avatar/sig combination :beam:… me really likes
i believe it’s syko who has the wrench thing… that is a good one too
Cheers Aislin and ahmed :beam: I like co-ordination lol
And yeah, its syko :)…
man, that wrench totally rules. I mean, why didn’t I think of that? That’s just cool.
Soul, do you agree? I love the thirties classy media player look thing. Maybe it’s in my brain. Can you see it?
I can see it my crazy friend
oh, good. I’m not ENTIRELY insane. Only part-ways.
Well, only as insane as me :beam:
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