
Hey everyone
I am really interested in learning about Nodes in Flash MX. I don’t know if node are more than I think they are, but I’m talking about like the node gardens and stuff… with the points and lines and stuff. Well anyway, if anyone knows a good link to somewhere to learn about them I would greatly appreciate it.
I’m also looking for some good drawing API tutorials, I’ve got a few, but it couldn’t hurt to have more. has a tutorial.

I created this from it :slight_smile:

wow lost that was fast
Definately gonna do some work on this…
I’m like super interested in learning AS right now for some reason…
probably cuz i just broke up with my girlfriend, and im depressed, and it gets my mind off things

lost… are you any good at this node thing? Like do you think I could come to you if i need help?

Sorry to hear about you and your girlfriend… definitely sucks.

And whats to be good at? The tutorial explains everything about how to get the nodes idea working, all you would need to do is create your own effects from the nodes, and thats all up to you :stuck_out_tongue:

lol alright
I haven’t looked at it yet, im printing it off right now… yup girlfriend thing sucks…
hopefully ill have something cool to post in the next couple days…

man… im already stuck… what the heck

numNodes = 50;
for(i=0;i<numNodes;i++) {
	node = attatchMovie("Node", "n"+i, i);
	node._x = Math.random()*500;
	node._y = Math.random()*300;

any idea why that doesnt do diddly squat?

man im a dork
i spelled attach wrong

lol… :sure:

ok real problem this time

numNodes = 50;
nodez = [];
for(i=0;i<numNodes;i++) {
	node = attachMovie("Node", "n"+i, i);
	nodez* = node;
	node._x = Math.random()*500;
	node._y = Math.random()*300;
mindist = 80;
for(i=0;i<nodez.length-1;i++) {
	nodeA = nodez*;
	for(j=i+1;j<nodez.length;j++) {
		nodeB = nodez[j];
		dx = nodeB._x - nodeA._x;
		dy = nodeB._y - nodeA._y;
		dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx*dy*dy);
		if (dist<minDist) {
			alpha = 100-dist/minDist*100;
			lineStyle(1, 0xffffff, alpha);
			moveTo(nodeA._x, nodeA._y);
			lineTo(nodeB._x, nodeB._y);

if someone could just pop that into flash real quick… does it come out really ugly for them… like just a few straightish lines… i have no idea why its being so retarded

I’m seriously like the most retarded person ever… one little typo screws the whole thing up

well anywho… I used a * in the Math.sqrt thing, instead of a +
sorry for wastin your time again


wow… what do you know… its now my turn to learn nodes…
i actually was gonna read the tutorial a few days ago but was kind of intimidated for some reason… but if xxviii can do it, i can too :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

oh… it was very porcessor intensive though… :slight_smile:

awww thanks for the backhanded compliment ahmed… lol
you spelled my name wrong too… grr
and i didnt actually do anything… i just followed throug the tutorial
my big break was changing the color of the lines… lol

I’m gonna screw with it soon tho
man… these are awesome

yeah… it was… i wonder what I should do… just make it have like 2 nodes lol…
It actually has 28 cuz im all symbolic or something

::shuts up and goes to change it::

It should be a lot better now

I implemented my own random motion code into mine… it was fun :slight_smile:

Good work though man :slight_smile:

runs much smoother now :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m already thinking about like integrating like the snow falling thing or something.

I know mine has no originality at all or anything, I just wanted to finish it. But this is definately gonna be something to play with for a long time

Lost I just saw yours
man, it’s really cool… I like how it all comes from one direction like that
That’s what I’m gonna try to do… well not that exactly, obviously, but my own motion thing