I’m pretty much a newbie with actionscripting and i get pretty confused with it. I know there is a better way to do what i’ve done here in this .fla that is attached to this thread. could someone give it a lookover and help me out?
right now i have actionscript on each instance of the button on the stage and the ‘resetbuttons’ function on the timeline. what i’m wanting to do with this is to get all of the actions and functions for these mc_buttons into one convenient location on the timeline (actionscript layer). so, if i want to add a button or buttons everything is in one spot and is less confusing.
i’m also wanting to control all of the mouse events (over, out, press, on, hit, off) through this actionscipt, including a current selected ‘on’ state of a button…which i really don’t understand. the way i’ve done this here kind of works, but, isn’t really how i intended it to work.
an example i would want to use this in some project could be say a portfolio and there’s 20 images i would want to show in the portfolio. say the portfolio loads and i want image 1 out of 20 to be displayed and also the 20 buttons also to show what you are looking at now. button 1 out of 20 buttons is ‘on’. then when you click on button 2…button 1 turns off and goes to a ‘visited’ state but, not in the ‘on’ state…make sense?
any help would be GREATLY appreciated.