Noob Needs help - Please

Is there anyway to move layers around on the stage without having to move each frame separately?

umm… in the timeline you can drag layers to modify their order… is that what u mean?


no, that’s not what i mean. I need to move, for example, a 212 framed keyframe animation from the bottome of the stage to the top without having to do it frame by frame.

What is a “212 framed keyframe animation”? And are you sure that Aditya’s solution won’t work for you?

:scream: GRR!! my solution wont work??? well nothing will…

anyways… :trout:

that should work dude… if all of your animation is on the timeline and you want to change the order of the animation on the state… just change the layer order…


Layer ordering isn’t what i’m looking for. I was asked to complete an animation were the guy/gal has cursive writing appearing as if written by an unseen hand. the end of the text runs off stage and i was wondering if there was a way to move it or center it without doing it frame by frame.
Thanks for responding.

Maybe if you select all the frame and then move your symbol it will work… Anyway, that’s why you should always put your animations inside movie clips :slight_smile:

hmm… I think now I know what you mean…

are u saying… the end animation was a bit off the stage… so yuou just want to move everything on every frame back onto the stage a bit?

if thats it… try onionskinning and set “edit multiple frames” on and then select everything and drag it all back onto the stage…
