Alright. My Actionscript experience in the past is almost non-existent but I do know a lot about flash and a bit about platform gaming in flash. Due to an intense need for money I’ve decided to take up actionscript gaming. I’ve decided not to start small either.
So what my plans are is a simple 2d sidescrolling platformer with levels, moving camera, etc.
Gameplay basically consists of a Ninja who fights with a sword. I’m planning on bosses and a variety of simple enemies. There are pickups of shuriken which can be aimed 360 degrees, and a grappling hook which should also be aimed 360 degrees and can hook onto objects and pull you up to them. Also, wall jumping. I know the whole idea sounds corny but I hope that it can still be as fun as I imagine it to be.
Now… I’m basically abandoning everything I know about AS and starting from scratch with everything. I’m going to be using AS3 and I’m working with flash CS3.
Since I’m starting from scratch, my first question would be just to ask whats the best way of learning Actionscript and if anyone can post some of the many tutorials that you think would be most useful to me.
As I progress with the game I’ll eventually have more specific questions but for now this is what I need from anyone willing to help a noob out